ARCHORA /AION - 5 stjörnur
Nýr diskur Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands ARCHORA /AION sem kom út hjá Sono Luminus í lok sumar með verkum Önnu Þorvaldsdóttur hefur fengið frábæra dóma í heimspressunni. BBC Music Magazine gaf disknum 5 stjörnur af 5 mögulegum og the New York Times valdi diskinn á lista með fimm áhugaverðum klassískum plötum sem vert er að hlusta á.
“Thorvaldsdottir is ultimately more concerned with inner than outer forms, and – as conductor Eva Ollikainen and the ISO reveal in this thrilling release – finding an organic unity which stems from the perpetual transformation and refinement of material at often microscopic levels“. Steph Power /BBC music magazine.
BBC Music Magazine:
Í the New York Times stóð m.a.“Among the many wonders of Anna Thorvaldsdottir's music — exquisitely honed timbres, an intricate play of shadow and light — perhaps the most mysterious is the way it can sound so static yet be in a state of constant (if sometimes glacial) change … This craftsmanship — a meticulous fusion of pacing, structure and coloring — is also at work in the three-movement “AION” … Thorvaldsdottir is incapable of writing music that doesn't immediately transfix an open-eared listener. The Iceland Symphony Orchestra and Eva Ollikainen, its chief conductor, offer glowing performances that have been beautifully captured by Sono Luminus.” NYT. Hér má lesa umfjöllunina í heild.
Tvö verk af þessum diski verða flutt á tónleikum Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands í október undir stjórn Evu Ollikainen, AION 5. október í Eldborg og ARCHORA í Hallgrímskirkju 6. október.